Introducing William!!!
Here are some photos of the lastest edition to my family
He was born Friday, 22/08/2008 at 3.10pm in Toowoomba Hospital
Weight - 3290grams
length - 51cm
Head - 34.5cm
It was a very short labour. I started getting contractions around 4.30am Friday morning, and by 9am, they were about 10mins apart and lasting for about 30-40 seconds. I was told to head up to the hospital, but I had to wait for Jumpei to come home, and when he got home, he arrived about 2 hours after I called for him to come home...well it felt that way, it might have been only an hours wait...
When we headed off to the hospital (an hours drive away), my contractions were coming closer together from between 5-10 minutes apart. When we got to the hospital, I was already at 3cm. By 1.30pm-ish, I was moved into the birthing suite. By 2.30pm, I was at 6cm, and it was too late for me to have drugs to kill the pain. It was too late for me to have an epidural to kill of the pain. The contractions were coming hard and fast by then, and I was told that "this baby is going to be here before the drug would take affect!" Not something that I wanted to hear, but there is nothing that can be done when you are at that stage. By now I was at 9cm and told that when I have the urge to push to go for it. I didnt want to push, BUT he just had to come out. I dont really remember much, as the process kind of blows your mind, but I dont think that I was pushing for too long, as at 3.10pm his head was out and I had just given birth to our second son.
It is just amazing how the body forgets the pain that you have just gone through immediately, as there is no way that I can describe the pain, I know that it took a lot of concentration at times to push and do what the midwives wanted me to do. But in the end, I am pleased to have my little boy at home with me. He is still a bit yellow, from jauntice (sp?) but it seems to be clearing up now. Hopefully, by the end of this week, he should have a nicer complection.
At 3:05 am,
Marissa said…
Oooooooo!!! Congratulations!!! Look at you, all up and dressed and everything!!!
oh, he is just beautiful, and look at Miles, so excited! I'm glad it was short and uneventful, and that you made it to the hospital in time (though I wish you could have had the benefit of drugs, you did good, girl!!). You make beautiful babies, you guys!! Congrats to all of you,
At 2:45 pm,
Button said…
Once again, congratulations. He's absolutely gorgeous! My last baby came all quick like that too. Being a nurse, I knew all about my "time limit" for drugs. They probably thought I was a drug addict, cause I came thru the emergency room door saying "I'm in labor. Give me drugs" :) Got em in the knick of time!
All my kids jaudiced too. Nothing to worry about, and you're right, the yellow complexion will only last a few more days.
At 3:38 am,
Anonymous said…
So glad it went well. You should be proud of yourself for not having an epidural. (i've done w/ and w/out). Hope you recover quickly!
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