Kawano Crocheting (and Knitting) Adventures

Welcome to my blog. It is about my crocheting and my knitting, fun things I find on the internet and my family.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I'm a sucker...

for my craft! I have just finished a Mystery CAL and now I have signed up for another 2!!! One with Leftovers Monthly Challenge, and the other with CrochetX, which will be a mystery exchange. It will be the first time that I have done one like this, and I'm very excited. Cant wait to get the pattern in the inbox!
Also, I should have started my swatch for the sock CAL that I am hosting on CrochetSocks, so I have to get that yarn out and start the swatch. I am hoping that tomorrow, since I am not going out anywhere that I will be able to get that done (if William always me to have a bit of time).
I am also currently working on a doily, I hope that I can get most of it finished tonight and hopefully tomorrow, as I want to send it out to my partner for an exchange. If not, I will send it to her later on (if I dont frog or forget about it.) It is coming along nicely, but slowly. It has been a while since I have used such small thread, since most of the time I have been using yarn and a 5.5mm hook, nothing like this thin thread and a Boyle 10 hook (not sure of the size but I think it is about a 1.25mm).

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